How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle over the Holidays

The festive period is a challenging time for us all, particularly for those trying to manage their weight. Food is such a big part in Christmas and New Year celebrations. The following strategies are here to help you manage the festive season so you can keep your health on track whilst you are enjoying this time of year.

Long drives

This time of year, the roads get busier as we all hit the road to visit loved ones near and far. Long drives can make it difficult to stay on track with your intake. With a little planning prior to heading off to your destination, the trip itself will be more bearable and the scales will thank you later.

  • Take an esky of vegetables and fruit (apples, oranges, passionfruit and lychees tend not to bruise easily; or try containers of fruit salad), salad rolls, tins of tuna, Edgell snack time tins, popcorn.
  • Muesli bars are a handy snack but make sure you check the label and make comparisons to find the best option. A few great options include; LifeShape Meal replacement bars, Barley+ range OR Carmen’s bars.
  • Freeze a few bottles of water before you go so they can melt during the day, giving you cold water.
  • Check where the supermarkets are before taking off and make use of them when you pass them. Supermarkets provide some great convenient and healthy options such as pre-packaged salads, tinned fish, Edgell nourish bowls, baked beans, cheese and crackers and yoghurt pouches.
  • If stopping at a fast-food chain check their online menu first and make an appropriate choice prior to arriving there. Fast food chains and roadhouses now offer healthy options such as salads, sandwiches, sushi, rice paper rolls or grilled meat. You can also look up the calories of many fast-food chains.
  • Take frequent breaks. Not only is this important for your safety but you can utilise these breaks for a quick stretch and a brief walk (10 - 20 minutes). You may just find a beautiful area you never knew existed.

Presents/gift requests

  • Write a list of gifts you would like OR tell family and friends to get you a fruit basket, a bunch of flowers OR a handmade craft gift rather than chocolates and other sweet treats.
  • If given chocolates, biscuits or other unwanted food, you don’t have to eat it all or in fact any of it. Plan how much of the food you would like to personally have then disperse the rest amongst friends and family. A regift is always a great option. If you feel you have too much you can always just throw it out – remember your body is not the rubbish bin and instead leftovers can simply just be put in the rubbish bin.
  • Try and buy others non-food related or healthy gifts – this will not only help them it will also hopefully mean you also can move away from receiving food-based gifts that you don’t want.

Portion sizes and Leftovers

  • Fill your plate with salad and vegetables first and then add small amounts of the meat and starchy foods. Aim for at least half your plate to be vegetables.
  • Serve your own plate of food. This gives you more control of how much you are eating and helps you to better manage portions.
  • Encourage guests to take leftovers home with them.
  • Continue to eat regular meals and plan in your highly desired treats.
  • Throw out excess food.
  • Use a smaller plate to serve your food onto or if your plate has a smaller circle, place the food only within that area.
  • Plan out how much food you aim to have before starting the meal.
  • Listen to your hunger and fullness cues whilst eating to determine when you are full.
  • Slow down whilst eating – this will allow your stomach more time to digest and tell your brain when you are getting close to full.

Exercise over the festive season

It’s easy to be “too busy” over the Christmas period between Christmas shopping, social events, packing for holidays, tying off loose ends at work, hanging up Christmas lights, wrapping presents etc.  It’s very easy to make excuses for not exercising. 

  •  Keep active! Don’t give up your regular exercise routine and if you don’t have one, start one!
  • Set yourself exercise goals for the month of December.
  • Walk to social events OR park your car further away than you usually would.
  • Take the stairs not escalators when doing your Christmas shopping.
  • Try and involve party games in your socialising to get people active. A game of soccer or dodgeball is always a hit.
  • Organise catch ups so you are doing something active. Going for a walk with visitors gives you time to talk, whilst still getting exercise in.
  • Break up the day by getting everyone to go for a walk after Christmas dinner and before the pudding.

Keeping the Balance

“Christmas is the time to be jolly”, but many of us at this time of year are anything but “jolly”. Extra work, traffic chaos, line-ups at the checkouts that never seem to end, wrapping presents and the possibility of having to spend a day or six with that particular relative / friend can leave us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. If this sounds like you, the following strategies may be useful:

  • Talk to your partner, a good friend or anyone who you can lend you their ear about what’s happening.
  • Exercise – going for a 15-30 minute walk will get your mind off the stress.
  • Write a list of everything you need to do – there might not be as much that needs to be done as you think. Get organised with a good plan and even delegate some of the jobs if you can.
  •  Distract yourself – have a shower or relaxing bath, book in for a massage, put on a face mask or pull out some weeds from the garden.
  • Focus your attention on all the positives at the end such as seeing your kids smile, sharing a laugh with friends – all the hard work will be worth it.
  • Download the Calm or Headspace app and use some of their mindfulness videos to help you relax.
  • Write a list of things you are grateful for – it can be small or big.


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